In case you haven't noticed, I have a new banner for Amor De Plata. My bright new banner was created by Etsy shop Stypecreative.etsy.com. I was so pleased with my banner that I asked Stypecreative to make some business cards and round stickers (shown above) for me. The back of my business cards is the silver. I'm very pleased with all of the graphics stypecreative did for me.
Love the new business cards, Martha. Hope you are doing well!
Hi Michelle,
Doing good, thanks. Nice to hear from you! Thank you for the comment. Been busy working at regular job so hardly no time for Etsy. This will change soon.
Just saw this when we were checking our keywords for our web site. I really appreciate it!
Do you mind if I use your cards (and a link to your shop) in my portfolio?
Hi Rebecca,
Sure, no problem. Thank you. I knew you would find it!
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